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LED marketing channel elites gather in zhongshan

source:Industry information time:2017-09-22 917 to browse

2014 China (Zhongshan) LED use and promotion of Innovation Conference will be held on April 2014 28-29 in Guangdong Province, Zhongshan City Xiaolan Town Daxin Crowne Plaza Hotel. At that time, the government departments and downstream industry association leaders, occupation, engineering and Design Institute on behalf of distribution channels, and on behalf of financing and financial institutions will focus on the use of LED lighting to carry out the new trend, appropriate LED lighting innovation promotion form, the line of new ways such as the establishment of topiccomment.

In 2014, LED ushered in the burst period of general lighting mall. On the one hand, the shopping mall needed correct guidance and further standardization. On the other hand, the supply chain was pregnant with new innovations and opportunities. The company entered the competition stage of commodity, brand, way of all, extended form of traditional lighting has been unable to meet the industrial and commercial development situation, how the innovation in the form of integration of all resources, quickly seize the market share, has become a serious problem facing the company.

The main topics of this forum include, LED lighting, innovation, standards, standards, new progress in the interface, commercial forms of innovation, lighting, innovation, electricity supplier channels, surrounded by policies.

Zhongshan semiconductor lighting occupation association leaders said, "as the union of R & D and industry of national semiconductor lighting project in the 2014 blockbuster event," Green Lighting LED Chinese Zhongshan Railway Station - use and promotion of Innovation Conference "will provide the latest LED lighting industry to use new ideas and new market promotion of innovation, leading the industry in innovation the form of commercial development."

The "China conference" LED use and promotion of innovation based Chinese largest lighting distribution center Zhongshan, industrial convergence line shopping resources, at the same time, the Pearl River Delta region, to lead the occupation development, explore business opportunities provide professional communication channels docking.

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